Ken Hill
Corsican Pine (Pinus nigra)
The water levels beginning to change in the beaver enclosure.
Here you can see the forestry work of the beavers.
They only cut through enough to make the trees fall but leave enough tissue for the tree to survive.
This provides the beavers with fresh food
Mating Hornets (Vespa crabro)
We were looking for Bark Signal-moss (Sematophyllum substrumulosum), which we know is on the Beaver Enclosure but didn't find it.
The images belpw come from the sample that was found previously.
Bark Signal-moss (Sematophyllum substrumulosum)
x 100
Clustered feather-moss (Rhychostegium confertum)
Inclined capsules but sadly no border to the leaves on my sample.
(Fissidens taxifolius var taxifolius)
The cells are longer than wide and arranged in diagonal rows across the phyllid, This is diagnostic of Tall Thyme-moss
Tall Thyme-moss Sp (Plagiomnium elatum)
Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)
There are three subspecies of Marchantia - montivagans, polymorpha & ruderalis.
This one could be Marchantia polymorpha subsp ruderalis as the black line across the thallus is irregular & interrupted?
Not sure about this one. We saw lots of it and I have to do an overall shot. Bryum???
Plums & Custard (Tricholomopsis rutilans)
Sloe berries (Prunus spinosa)
Wet Rot (Heterobasidion annosum)?